Service Location: the Strawbridges' (2760 S Ogden St., Englewood)
Time: 10:00am
Dear Church,
I hope you are having a great Monday. I know this is earlier than we normally get the weekly email out, but without promising anything, my goal is to get the information to you earlier in the week that I have been, so you have more time to read the passages and listen to the podcast. This week we are continuing into Mark chapter 6. The religious leaders have rejected Jesus by attributing his work to Satan (Mark 3), Jesus and his disciples are now addressing the people of Israel city by city and person by person to determine which people accept Jesus' message of the kingdom and which reject him. Meanwhile, Jesus continues to challenge his disciples to deeper and deeper levels of faith. Listen to Joe and Tim's thoughts on the passage on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
If you are able to host in upcoming February or March, please sign up here.
Upcoming Events
- February 21 - Psalm Sing with Redeemer Community
- July 10-13 - Bluegrass Festival in Westcliffe (We're camping at Alvarado campgroud)
Here the details for Sunday's service:
Scripture Readings:
- Psalm: Psalm 81 (Selle)
- OT: 2 Kings 2 (Stephen)
- NT: 1 Timothy 6:11-21 (Ian)
- Gospel: Mark 6 (Rick)
- Prayers of the People: Elena
- Song 1: Come, Let Us.. (73)
- Song 2: Psalm 117 (49)
- Song 3: Psalm 121 (50)
- Song 4: Answer Father.. (128)
- Song 5: What Wondrous.. (98)
- Song 6: Psalm 149 (59)
Looking forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday!
Joe Anderson